Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Speed Futuring is like speed dating.  Choose a future.  Spend some time with it and see if you want it in your life.
Mark your calender for Wednesday May 7, 7 - 9.30p.m. when we will get together next.  We have the Columbus Room which is at the Columbus Centre main floor, to the right of the restaurant.

The Columbus Centre is an Italian cultural centre just west of Dufferin on the south side of Lawrence.  (Use the Allen Expressway or get the subway to Lawrence west and take a bus a few blocks east.)

We will serve refreshments and have a free dessert table!

For our
the third 'no-charge' Social Creator event of 2014 we are featuring a presentation by Petri Tanninen on how the government plans for the future.  Petri is into Design Thinking, Business Analysis, and Strategy and has his own uniquely creative perspective on aspects of how the Canadian government develops and implements strategies.

At 7.10 p.m there will be a
20 minute introduction to Social Creator network for people attending for the first time. 

If you are a regular attendee check out Nick D'Aleandro artwork about the convergence of art, science, medicine, engineering and technology.  This exhibit has met with rave reviews.

Some people asked to see the fascinating video on Cryogenics again.  Anyone is invited to come at 6.30 p.m to see this video on freezing your body after death until researchers find a cure for whatever illness killed you.

Speed Futuring: Applying what we've seen and heard earlier in the evening

After Andrew's presentation on the Collective Unconscious we will break into smaller groups to share ideas about assessing new innovations based on a big picture approach.
This promises to be a busy, fun and delicious evening.
Please confirm with Nick D'Aleandro or Andrew Owens if you plan to attend.

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