Help from Physics

The Resonance Project Foundation is located on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.  The foundation's work is inspired by a vision of a world wherein the dynamics of the inter-relationship of all things and their forces are revealed through a Unified view of Physics.  

This unified view can inform the development of technological and social systems that bring humankind into a harmonious relationship with Nature, the Earth and the Universe as a whole.

Their Vision and Mission is here.

Their work is based on Nassim Haramein’s research and educational initiatives.  Haramein grew up in Eastern Canada with an innate reverence for the design of nature.  Nassim dedicated most of his time to his independent investigation into physics, geometry, chemistry, biology, consciousness, archeology, and various world religions. 

Haramein’s dedication to scientific exploration combined with his keen observation of the behavior of nature led him to a specific geometric pattern which is at the core of his approach and new perspective in unified field theory.

The first picture ever taken of a single molecule showing individual chemical bonds between atoms... 

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