Learning from Star Cultures

The following short essay is intended to introduce, or deepen our understanding of the Healing Economy and how this kind of activity relates to conscious evolution.  Healing Economy activity derives from implementing business and government adaptations so as to make what we do more realistic.  This is often very different from the approach that companies take when they provide business solutions, or when governments conduct a review.  

With conscious evolution we know and accept that changes in our life situations as individuals, or operating environments as institutions, serve to evolve our responses.  We respond more appropriately by learning how to behave responsibly, allowing everyone to make greater contributions to life so that we all derive more rewards.  

By way of contrast social and business solutions often maintain us and our companies in a bubble of unreality for a little while longer, so that we can put off the inevitable need for a change, or shakeout.  That uptight feeling of knowing that even bigger crises will be coming the more we hold off making that change does not feel rewarding at all.  

The good news is that we can learn to distinguish between behaviour that is reactive or contrived to maintain the familiar or 'status quo', and behaviour that is proactive and a realistic response in terms of the need to adapt.   

Knowing how to work or align with life situations that we recognize as evolutionary has many levels of benefits.  These benefits include what as individuals we call increased harmony, at-one-ment, or making economies.  As business people we often simply refer to these benefits as increased operating efficiencies.

Star Cultures are Indigenous

When cultures expand they have traditionally crept or swept into areas where other people live.  However there are alternatives to expansion by conquest and occupation of land.  We will explore how mainstream society can become more balanced by taking a page or two out of indigenous knowledge and understanding.

There is a traditional Irish creation story that may offer a clue about alternatives to expansion through occupation.  When people first came ashore and walked on what is now Ireland, so the story goes, the pre-existing inhabitants, called the Children of the Don, had already withdrawn into the hollow hills.

This is a Western creation story.  The Don is the goddess of flow, which South East Asians call the Shakti.  Today we know that everything emerges out of the flow within quantum chaos.  Western scientists would refer to the underlying flow as the chaotic flow of particles.  Atoms form out of chaos whenever particles find a centre or nucleus, and self-organize.  

The Children of the Don, as the next generation that follows chaotic flow are possibly what chemists would now call atoms and minerals.  We find minerals in the land and hills.

In this same Irish creation story the leader of the newly arrived people had a terrible time accomplishing anything that lasted.  He discovered that to get anything done he first had to accept the land's offer of marriage. He literally had to adapt, to change his sense of self or allegiance.  Today we would say that he solved the problem with his paradigm by learning to go with the flow.  This way of getting things done was mythologized aagin in the Star Wars series.  The philosophy of life was summarized in the statement, May the Force be with you.

But objectively, we need to figure out what is that Force  When we see this as a reference to the Don, the goddess that brought forth the minerals on which we stand and have our being, we arrive at a paradigm for sustainable living.  We see philosophy and technology, not as ways to suppress and overcome Nature, but as ways to align with what the flow can grow and sustain in that place.

To me, the Don River is a reference to the memory of a missing goddess.  We have a disturbed relationship with the goddess.  You can call this a malady or mal-adaption. Before we decide to do something we no longer link directly to the Earth, and what Western science simply calls the planet.  

This loss of connection is not some poetic notion or emotional indulgence.  Looking at how rivers are restrained within strict channels so as to be of service to society, is just one indicator of how disconnected, lost and ineffective we have become.  When we stop to think of the damage we do when we allow our governments to put everything in service to industry we reconnect to an underlying sense of numbness or overwhelming desperation.

We need to work with the forces of a place.  In physics these would be called geological forces that interact with our biophysical constitution.  These forces can be seen as constraints to be negotiated, or as forces that can be with you.  One stance is adversarial, one collaborative.  

You have electrical impulses moving through your nerve system.  We know that flows of electricity cause magnetic fields.  Biomagnetic fields produced by electric flows in the body don’t show up on most instruments.  This is simply because the instruments were not designed or calibrated to measure ultra-high frequencies.  But we should not dismiss the fact that they exist and interfere with reception when we approach a radio.   

We must not limit ourselves because of the influence of limited scientific outlooks and instruments.  We must also acknowledge the influence that religions have had in terms of disconnection from our inherent awareness of our biomagnetic forces and attuning these with unseen particle flows or the `spirit moving through the land.`

To access a higher practicality than what we have been taught, we reconnect with what needs to happen in a local area, and simply work on what that area can sustain.  

To get something sustainable done perhaps we can individually accept the offer of the land. We can use our individual biomagnetic field awareness so that we operate in concert with the power present there.  Before making changes or creating something new we can marry or realign with what is needed and possible over the long-term.

The overall Occupy movement, with its assemblies and committees, are not location based.  They are actually in the realm of ideas.  However, neighbourhoods are definitely locations.  Therefore I see great hope in Occupying the neighbourhoods.  This is where working with the power of a place is possible.

When I read about alchemy developed during the Middle Ages I saw that the impulse behind this early form of scientific research was indeed to marry and align with the Sun.

In the 14th Volume, 'Mysterium Coniunctionis' in the series of Collected Works of Austrian psychologist, Carl Jung, he wrote that the image of alchemists attempting to transform base elements into gold was in fact a metaphor.  It indicates a bigger story, the quest to transform and refine the elements of our personalities.  
At one point in the book ‘Mysterium Coniunctionis’, a fancy way of saying union with something mysterious and bigger than our world, it details how an alchemist is limited in terms of how far the transformation can go.  Jung discovers in old writings of Meister Dorn that eventually an alchemist must wait for Heaven to deliver Sol to the researcher.  Sol is some kind of swirling orange fluid light associated with the Sun.  Sol descends and becomes infused into the researcher whenever Heaven decides the researcher deserves it.  Waiting for the descent of Sol represents an end to individual striving.  

Marriage to a star, our Sun, sounds fantastic enough.  However forms of Buddhist teachings claim we should not stop there.  Buddhist teachings specify that we only heal as individuals by realigning with the Universe.  But how can we align individually when our society and what we have done to nature is so incredibly misaligned?  

I suggest that social transformation in addition to individual transformation is a prerequisite for going further and accepting the offer of marriage to align with the Milky Way galaxy, or the Universe.  To me this is only achieved together, by adapting as a society to the everyday realities that surround us.  We don’t think about our situation in the ecology, our solar system and the galaxy. I suggest we consider marriage and alignment with the larger wholes in which we find ourselves.

This impulse to heal as societies is something that indigenous people share and promote more generally. By now everyone recognizes that we do not heal as nations unless we address the need to heal as an international society, and heal the planet's ecology.  This all requires balance.

We have a free will, and we make our choices all the time.  We are responsible for those choices (karma, or atonement which is behaving so as to be at one with).  So healing begins with each person. We can surrender or choose to align our will with something bigger, such as the ecology in which we live.  A plus is that eventually we lose all fear, even fear of death, because we finally recognise our true identity with something much larger.  

With each person coming to terms with their own healing and transformation, our frequencies change.  The frequency at which the magnetic field of the Earth vibrates is 7.8 cycles per second.  This is called the Schumann Resonance frequency.  Our brains have four major frequency ranges or ways of functioning: beta, alpha, theta and delta.  The mid-point lies between alpha and theta.  This balanced point of brain functioning occurs at the frequency of 7.8 cycles per second. This is a powerful state to attune with.  We not only affect others around us, but also align with the Schumann Resonance frequency thus acquiring the potential to act in concert with the force of the planet.

On December 21, 2012 our Earth will complete a 26,000 year cycle of movement around the galaxy.  Some say Earth will again align with a significant starting point within its passage around our Milky Way galaxy. This was predicted by many ancient cultures including the Mayans.  

There has been no way to get outside the solar system or the galaxy.  We are firmly rooted here.  This and other cycles are already in our DNA.  In fact our DNA had no choice but to evolve with reflections of these cycles in its structure.  Individually we are born into this grand dance of levels of macrocosms within the universe.  Our DNA must be relatively aligned even though our minds may not.  Therefore this is not merely an intellectual change.  It is about alignment to a greater extent and therefore about healing.  

These times of great change are opportunities to choose greater alignment with what we find ourselves born within.  As we release our conditioning and the trauma we have all sustained while growing up in a left-brain society (where only linear, order-seeking, non-whole ways of thinking are validated) it becomes easier to realign.

We have watched as governments work together with business unchecked.  The governments work untethered by any responsibility to the electorate and suspend the rule of law that applies to businesses.  This is a formula for imbalance and therefore excess and ill health.  

Globalization has been a form of ill health.  Any nation that once aspired to great things has been turned into a banana republic.  In a banana republic all economic activity is for the benefit of a few families which then contribute to, or essentially bribe and influence, their friends in government.  

I hope we've had enough of this and are now ready to dispel this banana notion.  It must be dispelled.  It is a notion that has real consequences in terms of our ecology and people's lives.

It is up to people in neighbourhoods to restore what we’ve busily ignored by our structured, order-seeking thinking.  We can't push underfoot the enlivening, fluid aspect of creation which is creative chaos.  

Terms like flow are not equivalent to mayhem.  Flow is a necessary and chaotic part of life.  When I hear politicians warn us that there could be chaos on the streets, I believe this is a prerequisite for our evolution beyond the mayhem that has resulted from only validating left-brain thinking.  Increasingly these days, mayhem results as a healthy, life giving response to imposition of unsustainable policies.  It happens when order is imposed on us when everything tells us that something more whole and complete needs to be considered.  Because one of us is somehow higher up in an organizational hierarchy does not mean they provide us with ecological or cosmological insights that will bring society back into health and alignment.  

What gradually emerges out of patterns of flow, as with riverbanks and islands in a steam, is self-organization.  Physicists are finding that chaotic flow is exquisitely well ordered, by which I mean orderly to a greater degree than what we’re calling order.  And self-organization finds an exquisite degree of balance.

Imbalance is actually inherent within the form of globalization of international society that looks only at economics.  We can heal as an international society by introducing coordination of the social and economic objectives of living together.

As people who care about achieving something whole and complete in the social aspect of our individual lives we can choose to align with the Earth and what our neighbourhood can sustain.  We can accept the offer of marriage with the Sun when we engage in the economic aspects of our individual life.  Together we can accept the galaxy's offer of marriage when we coordinate what we do as an international society.  

To coordinate international society more effectively we can apply scientific discovery to determine how to align society with changes occurring in the galaxy.  We will eventually understand how to self-organize and live together so that our society aligns with organization found throughout the rest of the Universe.  This will allow our society to heal, and as a result, create the healthy surroundings in which we can heal as individuals.

We must learn from indigenous people.  They have emphasized the need to heal as a society, something which in our business we no longer have an appreciation.  They have always been star cultures.  Today none of us gets too far in terms of healing, as individuals, a group or planet until he or she brings to urban neighbourhoods an appreciation of the power of place and an increased openness to knowledge of aligning with natural and whole cycles.  These are cycles we were born into and are sustained within.  These cycles occur all around us from cradle to grave.  

The cycles we need to be most attentive to are not stock markets and oil prices but instead cycles that are made clearly visible to us within the movement of planets and stars.

I want to thank Franziska Nonnenmann, at fnonnenmann@gmail.com, for her welcome insights and comments into this discussion document.    
Your insights and comments are very welcome.

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