Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Natural Ways to Organize Society

To learn from "how nature organizes" doesn't mean looking at wolf packs in the wild, or how geese get together before migrating, etc. It means observing things while we think of them as "systems", or self-sustainable, constantly changing, yet complete wholes.

The simplest of all systems we can study are atoms and molecules. They are self-sustainable, functioning, moving, yet balanced organizations of electrons, protons and neutrons.

We can learn a lot from the seven stages of the Periodic Table of Elementary Properties.  A huge amount waits to be discovered in terms of similarities with other systems of higher degrees of complexity. Plants and animals are, of course, much more complex systems. But perhaps they differ from atoms and molecules mostly in terms of their degree of their complexity

However, if the patterns found in how atoms organize are relatively simple, these same fundamental patterns could occur again and again continually throughout the world of plants and animals. 

Perhaps we can become aware of overall patterns that lend themselves to how we can organize in more natural ways as an international society.

This way of thinking is the basis of the Healing Economy of Conscious Evolution.

A system always finds balance, or it falls apart.  Its close enough to perfect balance, or it does not exist.  Perhaps, at this and every other point in our evolution as a society, there is something perfect in terms of the inherent balance of what goes on inside each individual, and as a planet-wide society.  Our natural capacity to approach perfection of balance could continue to move society to higher levels of complexity.  

Nature will not change over to being less reliant on balance, no matter how much we may want it to be otherwise.  It is up to us to become more conscious of this evolutionary development from perfect balance towards more complex stages of perfect balance.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Coordination by Neighbourhood

Pulling away from the details of daily news reports may be a challenge.  But without standing back, we won't recognize the evolution within social and economic development that is occurring as a backdrop to the news stories.  Social and economic evolution is being created by millions of people.

Einstein pulled away from the details of nationalism.  He pointed out how nationalism was a childhood illness of humanity, much like measles.

More of us are having to find ways to prosper, or survive, with less reliance on buying new goods and services.  This is leading to evolutionary change.

As we become more efficient and learn to do more with less we will find that coordination between individuals, families, and neighbourhoods, becomes more important.  Coordination is the next big economic need that we have to find ways to fulfill.

Coordination cannot be imposed internationally, from the top-down, and remain efficient at the same time.  One government structure overseeing the world would be unbelievably out of touch with people's everyday needs.  It would be incredibly inefficient.

International coordination is better achieved amongst individuals in neighbourhoods, rather than in centralized ways.  The alternative to increased centralization is doing things in distributed ways across networks.  

International coordination is beginning to happen over aspects of the Internet that will become like a nerve system for international society.  

Using this blog we will continue to share in this new found social maturity.  We can discuss what we / you, anticipate will be subsequent stages of society, so that we all benefit.  My bet is that this will involve integrating ourselves, and all the resources around us in our neighbourhoods, into a more realistic social perspective.  I think we will find much more realistic perspectives on organizing ourselves as an international society by looking at how nature organizes things.