Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why the News no longer Makes Sense

It seems that the story behind most news items these days has been politicians, military and corporations working towards shared ends.  It`s involved sending people off to war.  War is the impersonal use of physical power.  Its about using biology and putting it behind guns.

During the early 1990’s and the first Gulf War we saw protestors' signs that read ‘War is not an Energy Policy’.  Many people realized that the story behind the story behind news items was ensuring continued access to energy produced by oil, using chemistry. Now we see production of energy from uranium as the big story behind news about Iran.  Iran could  be using uranium for social use or for destruction  Again its about using chemistry.  

It’s widely known that Western energy policies have included suppressing the democratization of clean forms of energy both at home and abroad.  Governments worry about people having easy access large amounts of energy at home using physics.  

Perhaps governments currently see this suppression as necessary because large amounts of energy could ‘fall into the wrong hands’ and be turned into weapons.  The National Defence Authorization Act, passed into law in the US on New Year's Eve, 2011, specifically mentions pulsed photonic weaponry – or what we must assume is the weaponization of light.  Sounds like battling light sabres to me.  Perhaps watching too much Luke Skywalker.

The actual technology being referred to here is energy from the vacuum, or EFTV.  Its a topic well worth Googling if only to see how something the military has used since the 1930`s is being portrayed.
The story behind the story behind the story behind the news items these days is currency.  The America dollar has not involved gold since the time of Richard Nixon.  In fact we are now into currency wars.  Imagine that.  And there is nothing within the use of numbers in a computer that the currency represents,  People are going hungry in Greece for example because the debt numbers in a computer have been adopted by consensus.  See for more on this kind of development.  

So let`s take a look at what currency wars look like...  Note how Saddam Hussein in Iraq was accepting currencies other than the dollar, for oil.  This enraged the financial sector in the US. 

Qaddafi started to require gold for oil rather than US dollars.  He was also setting up a banking system for Africa, independent of Europe.  And then America and mostly Italy and France attacked Libya. 

Iran has accepted gold for oil.  Iran is being deliberately financially destabilized through sanctions.

Let`s start to understand what`s behind the news.  Let`s start to pull this together:

Story Level I
Use of biology - armed wars

Story Level II
Use of materials in chemistry - wars about oil.

Story Level III
Use of energy in physics - recent wars over energy from the vacuum

Story Level IV
Use of numbers in mathematics - recent currency wars

If the world situation is difficult to follow, it’s because currency is hard to understand.  Currency is about numbers and using math.  And math is actually not a science but a form of philosophy.  Let`s say we now used metaphysics, a branch of philosophy for wars. Newscasters are not up for reporting on that.

It could be argued that studies of currency belong in algebra.  Remember algebra... that way of getting both sides of the equals sign to remain equal to one another, or balanced?   

Think of the philosophy of algebra in terms of, say Taoism, which seeks to align with the balance of two principles of Life - sometimes called yin and yang, shiva and shakti, self and flow, etc.  

Take another look at the financial destabilization of Iran.  Its about denying Life, or using sanctions to deny balance within a country.  Recently we saw the expulsion of Iran from SWIFT, which facilitates exchanges of currency amongst countries.  If you can`t turn currency or numbers into a weapon, then suppress or block the flow of currency.  This is death culture.  This begins to impose or inflict economic depression.

Think of algebra in terms of karmic repercussions, of equal and opposite actions, of atonement.  And think of algebra the same way you think about beats that create waves,  cycles, or vibration.  This is not the usual stuff to get your head around while nibbling and watching the news on telly.  

So we don't understand the news and therefore our world.

You can bet that in currency wars only bankers act as the commanders and generals.  To make the decisions on all the big moves in the world, bank owners need battalions of number crunching officers.  The bankers wage war on countries without the public, governments, military or corporations fully understanding the 'why' or the 'how'. 

Balance in the world is now either maintained or messed around with by several bank owners.  This is not conspiracy theory.  This is algebra.  Highly complex levels of algebra, but algebra all the same.

And clearly algebra and conspiracy theory are not the same.
We all want things to add up in our minds.  It is more than wanting, its a shared need amongst humans.  Yet we have not understood the news for a long time. 

What is a conspiracy theory?  It's how we take extremely complex world situations and get them to add up.  Clarity emerges gradually.  We arrive at highly complex levels of algebra through intuition about pattern and balance rather than through mathematics.

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