Friday, October 21, 2011

Report from Occupy Movement in Toronto

Friday, October 21, 2011

The creature recently conceived by Adbusters in Vancouver, Occupy Wall Street, has spread to over 1,000 cities internationally. It is now called Occupy Together.

I'm actually in St James Park at King and Church at the Occupy Toronto site.
On October 15, the park next to the cathedral thronged with a huge crowd. It is hard to think of it as a protest movement, or a transformative movement like Healthcare Reform in the US. Thankfully there is no shared message that would create people who were 'for' or 'against'. It is an expressive movement where each person reaches deep inside to give their authentic contribution to the discussions and collaborations from moment to moment.

I went on my first Occupy march this evening - through Dundas Square. We saw a live newsfeed of the march (I’d be happier with ‘parade’) playing on the CITY TV billboard while we walked through the square.  Dancing at the Yonge-Dundas intersection, holding up traffic while singing "This is what democracy looks like" was both fun and informative.

Our police escorts seemed happy that they got to ride their bikes for a while after standing around all day.

Meeting lots and lots of truly amazing younger collaborators is delightful. They are consciously holding a very peaceful, non-judgmental vibe. Pacifists, anarchists, Buddhists, vegetarians, union folk, webmasters, etc. have all gathered. First we are learning to talk and be with one another without mutual oppression. Mutual oppression is what we are choosing to move beyond.

An Occu-Pie moment:
A woman from CITY TV asks the folk at the food tent where all this hot stuff comes from. A man with a ladle says, People show up with pots of homemade soup and goodies, put them on the table. Then we serve it. She asks, "You mean... ordinary people?" He says, "Yes." I felt like saying, "No. Very kind people who support this movement and contribute in their own way." I didn't say anything, not wanting to disrupt the vibe.


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